Via my experience :
1. eugeneware/docker-wordpress-nginx:latest (RDO Juno on Fedora 21 TwoNode Cluster
Controller&&Network and Compute ML2&OVS&VXLAN setup ) may be installed
only on Controller. I can install on Compute node ( Nova-Docker driver been built via
stable/juno installed on both nodes ) tutum/tomcat, tutum/mysql ubuntu-rastasheep (sshd),
but not docker-wordpress-nginx. It just won't come up (two installation pages and it
2. When I log into Ubuntu-Rastasheep installed on Controller I can run `apt-get
update`, when I log into the same Ubuntu-Rastasheep been installed on Compute `apt-get
update` hangs on waiting for headers. I can ping, but TCP/UDP services are locked
. Wget doesn't work and etc .. .
All this issues got fixed on similar CentOS 7 Cluster after kernel upgrade up to
3.10.0-123.20.1.el7.x86_64. I had same problems on CentOS 7 with kernel
The most recent `yum update` upgraded just kernel on CentOS 7.