Please note that we'll be changing the (cico/duffy) API key and the
password for the 'rdo' user on
ci.centos.org for security purposes at
Please do not configure any passwords or keys in jenkins slave node
environment variables as these are leaked.
The CICO_API_KEY and RSYNC_PASSWORD variables will now be provided
directly by the shell environment (bashrc) of the slave nodes so
hopefully nothing should need to be changed.
I will share the password for the 'rdo' user with select individuals off-thread.
Please share this password sparingly, only if necessary, considering
the jobs are entirely automated through jenkins-job-builder and are
pushed automatically from
review.rdoproject.org on every commit.
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]