2015-09-06 9:30 GMT+02:00 Tim Bell <Tim.Bell(a)cern.ch>:
To understand the requirement 2, does this mean fixing tickets related to
the packaging or tickets related to the upstream project ? CERN are
certainly interested in contributing our packaging of some components not
yet in RDO (such as the ec2-api and Murano packages we're already working
on), but there would be concerns if we take on commitments for the upstream
project rather than just the package maintenance.
I meant downstream tickets, packages maintainers are supposed to fix
packaging-related issues, and if necessary reporting issues upstream.
Nobody expects package maintainers to fix bugs upstream themselves.
What we want to avoid is having packages that are not attended at all.
One other requirement that is more specific to OpenStack than to
Fedora is
the maintenance of packages for newer versions of OpenStack. At what stage
during the lifecycle of a release such as Liberty would it be expected that
packages be updated ? And for how many older releases would it be expected
to be maintained ?
RDO packages are supposed to be updated in the following cases:
* new stable release upstream
* packaging fixes
* CVE (depending severity)
Until now, we've been following upstream lifecycles which means that we support
two stable branches + master branch through delorean.