On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 07:18:57PM -0500, Dave Neary wrote:
Hi all,
I hit an issue today when installing RDO on 3 nodes (VMs) - when I got
to the point of starting the Nova service on the compute nodes, the
install crapped out. Logs weren't helpful, but some webs earching
uncovered this Ask question:
It turns out that the default RabbitMQ config file does not allow remote
connection of "guest/guest" user.
I created a bug for the issue here (didn't find one before):
I'm not a RabbitMQ expert, but you might also want to add information
like (from appropriate hosts)
$ rabbitmqctl status
to the bug.
The fixes would be straightforward: use a non-guest AMQP user and
password, or enable remote connection for the RabbitMQ guest user. But I
can't figure out how to do either of those - I don't think that
If it's a test environment, you can try addint the user manually, maybe:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_user {username} {password}
Ensure it's added correctly:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_users
I remember once having to do that a while ago.