Hi all,
I hit an issue today when installing RDO on 3 nodes (VMs) - when I got
to the point of starting the Nova service on the compute nodes, the
install crapped out. Logs weren't helpful, but some webs earching
uncovered this Ask question:
It turns out that the default RabbitMQ config file does not allow remote
connection of "guest/guest" user.
I created a bug for the issue here (didn't find one before):
The fixes would be straightforward: use a non-guest AMQP user and
password, or enable remote connection for the RabbitMQ guest user. But I
can't figure out how to do either of those - I don't think that
in the answer file are what I'm looking for, I don't see any way to
update the RabbitMQ config file in amqp.pp
There is another optiuon: use qpid as the AMQP provider - but I wanted
to do a default install if at all possible.
Has anyone else hit this issue, and how did you get past it?
If you want to just turn the guest account back on, you could update
wherever the top-level rabbitmq puppet class gets called in packstack
and set something like...
config_variables => {'loopback_users' => '[]'}