[Meeting] RDO meeting minutes - 2022-09-28
by Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2022-09-28
Meeting started by amoralej at 14:12:48 UTC. The full logs are
available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2022_09_28/2022/rdo...
Meeting summary
* RDO Docs day retrospect (amoralej, 14:14:06)
* https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/topic:docs-day (amoralej,
* 18 reviews were created and merged (amoralej, 14:20:56)
* RDO Zed preparation update (amoralej, 14:22:27)
* LINK: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/2023.1/
(amoralej, 14:33:12)
(spotz, 14:40:24)
* ACTION: RDOers to review RDO announcement in
(amoralej, 14:41:58)
* Problem with sqlalchemy i Wallaby on CentOS Stream 9 (amoralej,
* CS9 has added a new package sqlalchemy-1.4 recently wich supersedes
the 1.3 build that RDO ships for Wallaby (amoralej, 14:43:49)
* sqlalchemy 1.4 has some non-backwards compatible changes compared to
1.3 (amoralej, 14:46:10)
* open floor (amoralej, 14:57:41)
* ACTION: jcapitao[m] to chair next week (amoralej, 15:01:49)
Meeting ended at 15:03:23 UTC.
People present (lines said)
* amoralej (80)
* jcapitao[m] (24)
* spotz (22)
* opendevmeet (5)
* kkula (1)
* rdogerrit (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
2 years, 5 months
RDO Doc Day
by Amy Marrich
I want to thank everyone who participated in the Doc Day and/or may still
be working on issues found that day.
11 RDO documentation patches were submitted and merged and 1 TripleO patch
was submitted. Several other issues were noted [0] and are still in need of
patches if anyone would like to still participate!
0 - https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-doc-day-2022
2 years, 5 months
RDO Doc Day
by Amy Marrich
Join us on September 22 in the RDO Meeting room[0]at 7:00 UTC for an
EMEA/APAC kickoff and then again at 13:00 UTC for a NA/LATAM kick off for
our RDO Doc Day.
The goal of the Doc Day is to review existing documentation and update
anything that is out of date, add missing documentation, and possibly
archive older materials. Please use the etherpad[1] to report any issues or
to record anything you might be working on.
Remember Docs are a great place to get started contributing and we'll be
happy to help get you set up!
Amy Marrich (spotz)
0 - https://meet.google.com/uzo-tfkt-top
1 - https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-doc-day-2022
2 years, 5 months
[rdo-users] [Meeting] RDO meeting minutes - 2022-09-21
by Joel Capitao
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2022-09-21
Meeting started by jcapitao at 14:01:46 UTC. The full logs are
available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2022_09_21/2022/rdo...
Meeting summary
* roll call (jcapitao, 14:01:49)
* SWAG reminder (jcapitao, 14:07:02)
* LINK: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/rdoswag (jcapitao, 14:08:21)
* please +1 your favorite items (at least 1 from each category) in the
etherpad (URL above ^) (jcapitao, 14:17:11)
* RDO Zed preparation update (jcapitao, 14:20:05)
* LINK: https://trello.com/c/HuEZMr9q/763-zed-release-preparation
(jcapitao, 14:20:18)
(jcapitao, 14:20:29)
* RC1 bits are almost built (jcapitao, 14:21:08)
* LINK: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:sqlalchemy-20 (jcapitao,
* next chair (jcapitao, 14:38:36)
* ACTION: amoralej to chair next week (jcapitao, 14:39:05)
* open floor (jcapitao, 14:39:36)
* it's RDO docs tomorrow (Thurs, Sep. 22) (jcapitao, 14:41:45)
* LINK: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RDO-doc-day-2022 (spotz_,
(jcapitao, 14:42:55)
Meeting ended at 14:54:08 UTC.
Action items, by person
* amoralej
* amoralej to chair next week
People present (lines said)
* jcapitao (44)
* amoralej (32)
* spotz_ (19)
* opendevmeet (4)
* rdogerrit (4)
* kkula (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
2 years, 5 months
[rdo-users] [Meeting] RDO meeting minutes - 2022-09-14
by Karolina Kula
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2022-09-14
Meeting started by kkula at 14:00:37 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (kkula, 14:01:19)
* RDO Zed preparation update (kkula, 14:05:52)
* Zed Trunk builder is operational since
(amoralej, 14:10:09)
* Tripleo will cut stable/zed branches and maintain zed release over
maintenance phase (amoralej, 14:17:34)
* LINK: https://trello.com/c/HuEZMr9q/763-zed-release-preparation
(kkula, 14:24:30)
* LINK: https://trello.com/c/HuEZMr9q/763-zed-release-preparation
(jcapitao[m], 14:24:32)
* LINK: https://issues.redhat.com/projects/RDO/issues/RDO-38
(jcapitao[m], 14:24:59)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2125267
(jcapitao[m], 14:29:33)
* centos9-master-head bootstrap update (kkula, 14:38:19)
(kkula, 14:39:40)
* next chair (kkula, 14:42:23)
* ACTION: jcapitao[m] chairs next meeting (kkula, 14:43:33)
* open floor (kkula, 14:44:02)
Meeting ended at 14:47:52 UTC.
People present (lines said)
* amoralej (33)
* jcapitao[m] (27)
* kkula (19)
* rlandy (15)
* marios (6)
* opendevmeet (4)
* rdogerrit (3)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
2 years, 6 months