[ppc64le] Building Power containers for TripleO
by Michael Turek
Hello all,
I brought this up at this week's RDO meeting [0] but we decided it would
be best to continue the conversation here.
The short of it is that we want to start building containers for triple
o in the community. We discussed this at PTG and it seems feasible.
Basically the goal is to have the first step of the tripleo job pipeline
that builds the containers and uploads them to docker hub set up for
From the IRC chat it seems like the first step is to identify the
hardware where we could do this. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Mike Turek
7 years
[Meeting] RDO meeting (2018-03-14) minutes
by Haïkel
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-03-14
Meeting started by number80 at 15:03:03 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* PTG video are half up (number80, 15:05:05)
* LINK: http://youtube.com/RDOCommunity (number80, 15:05:20)
* half of PTG videos are uploaded! (number80, 15:06:39)
* if you missed your chance to get interviewed, ping rbowen
(number80, 15:06:54)
* Building Power containers in centos (number80, 15:07:58)
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/12858/ (mjturek,
* ACTION: * follow-up on the mailing list about multiarch jobs
(number80, 15:23:14)
* How to process tickets opened in CentOS mantis instance (number80,
* AGREED: encourage people using bugzilla instead and we'll figure out
the rest later (number80, 15:34:51)
* pip10 changes (number80, 15:35:45)
* LINK: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4805 (dmsimard, 15:36:21)
* LINK: https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/5066 (dmsimard, 15:36:26)
* next week chair (number80, 15:52:28)
* amoralej chairing next week (number80, 15:56:52)
* open floor (number80, 15:57:00)
Meeting ended at 16:00:32 UTC.
People present (lines said)
* number80 (52)
* dmsimard (32)
* rbowen (12)
* mjturek (10)
* openstack (8)
* amoralej (7)
* jschlueter (5)
* jpena (4)
* rdogerrit (3)
* krtaylor (1)
* ykarel (1)
* chandankumar (1)
* rdobot (1)
* baha (1)
* tvignaud (1)
* sfbender (1)
* myoung|rover (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
7 years
[MEETING] RDO Meeting (2018-03-07) minutes
by Rich Bowen
We had a very light meeting this week, which is expected for the first
week in a new cycle.
Minutes (text):
#rdo: RDO Community Meeting
Meeting started by rbowen at 15:01:41 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting (rbowen, 15:01:55)
* Virtual Meetup (rbowen, 15:03:48)
* LINK: https://goo.gl/e5EWAt (rbowen, 15:04:53)
* ACTION: rbowen to promote CFP for Virtual Meetup on the lists
(rbowen, 15:06:54)
* ACTION: Ask for topic suggestions, too, to solicit specific talks.
(rbowen, 15:07:13)
* #Cloud SIG meeting (rbowen, 15:08:48)
* Open Floor (rbowen, 15:11:53)
Meeting ended at 15:17:29 UTC.
Action items, by person
* rbowen
* rbowen to promote CFP for Virtual Meetup on the lists
People present (lines said)
* rbowen (36)
* openstack (6)
* mjturek (5)
* leanderthal (4)
* jpena (3)
* myoung|ruck (1)
* baha (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
@RDOcommunity // @CentOSProject // @rbowen
7 years
[rdo-users] Upcoming Meetups
by K Rain Leander
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the next two weeks where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Wednesday March 07 in Plano, TX, US: OpenStack Service Function Chaining - presenter Charles Derrick - https://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-DFW/events/247782113/
* Thursday March 08 in Fort Lauderdale, FL, US: Monthly SFOUG Meeting - https://www.meetup.com/South-Florida-OpenStack-Users-Group/events/247169486/
* Thursday March 08 in Austin, TX, US: Implementing and maintaining Micro-Segmentation in your OpenStack environment - https://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Austin/events/246749849/
* Thursday March 08 in Berlin, DE: SysEleven OpenStack Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/SysElevenTechmeetups/events/247870909/
* Monday March 12 in Manchester, 18, GB: Spring in to OpenStack! Use-cases at BookingGo, and deployment via Kayobe - https://www.meetup.com/Manchester-OpenStack-Meetup/events/248435996/
* Monday March 12 in London, 17, GB: London OpenStack March Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/Openstack-London/events/247958746/
* Wednesday March 14 in Orlando, FL, US: Meet the Experts and Innovators of Red Hat OpenStack - https://www.meetup.com/Orlando-Central-Florida-OpenStack-Meetup/events/24...
* Wednesday March 14 in Barcelona, ES: OpenStack Barcelona Meetup: block your agenda - https://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Barcelona/events/248091344/
* Thursday March 15 in Boston, MA, US: Implementing and maintaining Micro-Segmentation in your OpenStack environment - https://www.meetup.com/Openstack-Boston/events/247989692/
* Monday March 19 in Rennes, FR: OpenStack et Software Defined Network, retours d'experiences - https://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-Rennes/events/247097412/
* Tuesday March 20 in Santa Clara, CA, US: March Meet Up: DPDK, Packet Processing & OpenStack - https://www.meetup.com/Out-Of-The-Box-Network-Developers/events/247462110/
7 years
proposal to alert #rdo w/ issues from launchpad
by Wesley Hayutin
As we rely on RDO infrastructure more and more for TripleO 3rd party jobs
and periodic jobs I propose we use the same alerting method we use in the
#tripleo channel.
So in this case I think we could add a tag to launch pad bugs named
tag = "rdo-infra-alert"
tag = "rdo-infra"
etc.. you get the point.
The irc alerts have worked well in other channels and it would probably
help establish the cross-team dependencies we have atm.
Thanks for your comments
7 years