[rdo-list] Tuesday night at OpenStack Summit: RDO Community Meetup! (Speakers needed)
by Rich Bowen
On Tuesday night at OpenStack Summit, we will be sharing a lovely space
with the Ceph community for our RDO community meetup. (This is still
roughly 75% confirmed. Details still being worked out.)
Date: Tuesday, October 25th
Time: (Tentatively) 5pm - 8pm, between the day sessions and the various
scheduled evening events
Where: Less than 2 minutes walk from the venue, at the Barcelona
Princess: http://en.hotelbarcelonaprincess.com/restaurants/the-gym-bar/
What: Light hors d'oeuvres and drinks, and the Ceph/RDO community meetup
Because we're sharing space with another project, we need to be more
careful about our schedule than we have been in the past. The plan at
the moment is to do this lightning-talk style. To that end, I need to
identify 5-7 people who will be willing to present very briefly on the
various items of interest to our community.
Please indicate your availability, and the topic you are willing to
cover in around 5 minutes, on this etherpad:
We will have a mic and a projector/screen, so if you need to present
something for us to see, you'll be able to do that.
Patrick and I will then make a schedule alternating the RDO stuff and
the Ceph stuff, and these presentations will be followed by light
refreshments, drinks, and the opportunity to have informal discussions
to dive deeper into any topics that were covered in the first half.
For reference and ideas of topics, here's our schedule from Austin.
Hoping to see you in Barcelona,
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] ask.openstack unanswered 'RDO' questions 2016-09-12
by Rich Bowen
28 unanswered questions:
After adding multiple compute nodes using packstack unable to see the
nodes in dashboard
Tags: rdo
Error: Unable to get the Swift container listing
Tags: swift, containers, rdo
[trove] mongodb cluster-grow failed
Tags: trove, mongodb, cluster, grow
Error during LBAAS installation (Load Balancer)
Tags: rdo, lbaasv2, mitaka-neutron, centos7, loadbalancer
quota show is different from horizon in RDO after update quota with command
Tags: rdo
how to set quota with python
Tags: quota
"Parameter outiface failed on Firewall" during installation of openstack
rdo on centos 7
Tags: rdo, devstack#mitaka
multi nodes provider network ovs config
Tags: rdo, liberty-neutron
Adding additional packages to an RDO installation
Tags: rdo, mistral
RDO TripleO Mitaka HA Overcloud Failing
Tags: mitaka, tripleo, overcloud, centos7
RDO - is there any fedora package newer than puppet-4.2.1-3.fc24.noarch.rpm
Tags: rdo, puppet, install-openstack
OpenStack RDO mysqld 100% cpu
Tags: openstack, mysqld, cpu
Failed to set RDO repo on host-packstack-centOS-7
Tags: openstack-packstack, centos7, rdo
how to deploy haskell-distributed in RDO?
Tags: rdo
rdo tripleO liberty undercloud install failing
Tags: rdo, rdo-manager, liberty, undercloud, instack
Liberty RDO: stack resource topology icons are pink
Tags: resource, topology, dashboard, horizon, pink
No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" while syncing
the glance database
Tags: liberty, glance, install-openstack
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
Fedora22, Liberty, horizon VNC console and keymap=sv with ; and/
Tags: keyboard, map, keymap, vncproxy, novnc
OpenStack-Docker driver failed
Tags: docker, openstack, liberty
Routing between two tenants
Tags: kilo, fuel, rdo, routing
openstack baremetal introspection internal server error
Tags: rdo, ironic-inspector, tripleo
Installing openstack using packstack (rdo) failed
Tags: rdo, packstack, installation-error, keystone
VMware Host Backend causes No valid host was found. Bug ???
Tags: vmware, rdo
Mutlinode Devstack with two interfaces
Tags: devstack, vlan, openstack
Overcloud deployment on VM fails as IP address from DHCP is not assigned
Tags: overcloud_in_vm
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] sriov in mitaka / newton
by Dotan, Alon
Someone tried to use SRIOV in mitaka, newton?
I can't make it work with the exact same configuration that working under kilo / liberty
I saw a lot of code changes in the area of pci passthrough in neutron
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] Tempest Packaging in RDO
by Daniel Mellado
Hi everyone,
As a follow-up from the conversations that we had on the irc, I wanted
to summarize the current issues and possible actions. As we ran out of
time during the meeting I'd really appreciate some feedback on this.
1) Tempest Plugins
With the current situation (project package and project-test package) we
do install the entry point with the main package, even if the
sub-package is not installed. In this case, Tempest will discover the
test entry point without the code and fail.
On this, I'd propose to integrate-back the -tests packages for the
in-tree plugins, even if it would mean adding some more dependencies to
them and remove tempest requirement as a dependency for out-tree ones
(i.e. Designate[2] or tempest-horizon[3]), which will get rid of any
circular dependency.
This seems to breaks RPM logic. This is only to allow mixing packages
and git/pip installations which is a source of troubles. At best, it
could be a temporary measure. If it's about circular dependencies, RPM
knows how to handle them, and the best way to break them would be
plugins requiring tempest and not the reverse.
We could have a a subpackage tempest-all that requires all the plugins
for an AIO install. (alternatively: tempest requires all plugins, and
plugins would require a tempest-core packages. tempest package being
empty and tempest-core containing the framework)
Also, the plugin state is not really optimal, as some of those plugins
would pin to an specific commit of tempest. All of this should be sorted
out in the end by [1] but for now we'll need to find some solution on this.
2) Tempest Requirements
As tempest is installed in the undercloud, it will use whatever
plugins are installed there, so if checking every test from the
overcloud is a must it'd need to have a lot of packages installed as
dependencies (that's the current status).
Some ideas for this have been.
- Create a parent-package/metapackage called 'tempest-all-test' or
similar, which will allow to install all the sub-componants packages.
This would allow not to install all the tempest dependencies but rather
only one component at a time. It would Requires: all test packages for
anyone who needs to install them all.
- Puppet-Tempest: it will install tempest itself (albeit only from
source right now, this can be addressed:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-tempest/+bug/1549366) but it will also
install tempest plugins based on the parameters that define the
availability of services. For example, if "ceilometer_available" is set
to true, it will install python-ceilometer-tests and set the config in
tempest.conf "[service_available] ceilometer=True"
3) Tempest Config Tool
Right now is the only diff between upstream vanilla and our
downstream fork, on here, our proposal could be to move it to its own
repo and decouple it from tempest so we could use vanilla and not depend
on the downstream fork. This will later on also integrated and used on
RefStack/DefCore (WIP).
There has been quite some discussion around this, and there are
duplicated projects doing the same work with some difference (basically
to use or not api_discovery)
During the past summit and afterwards, we agreed on creating something
that would depend on the installer (fetching the configuration from
TripleO), as the tool as it is won't be accepted on upstream tempest.
This had been dropped dead since, so I'd like to resume the discussion.
Thanks for any ideas!
[2] https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1820/
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] [Rdo-newsletter] RDO Community Newsletter, September 2016
by Rich Bowen
If you have trouble with the formatting, this newsletter may also be
found at http://rdoproject.org//newsletter/2016-september
September 2016 RDO Community Newsletter
Quick links:
* Quick Start <http://rdoproject.org/quickstart>
* Mailing Lists <https://www.rdoproject.org/community/mailing-lists/>
* RDO release packages <https://trunk.rdoproject.org/>
* Review.RDOProject.org <http://review.rdoproject.org/>
* RDO blog <http://rdoproject.org/blog>
* Q&A <http://ask.openstack.org/>
* Open Tickets <http://tm3.org/rdobugs>
* Twitter <http://twitter.com/rdocommunity>
* Newton release schedule
Thanks for being part of the RDO community!
Newton milestone 3 test day
Please join us on Thursday and Friday of this week to test the RDO
packages of the Newton milestone 3 release. Milestone 3 released
upstream last week, and we've been packaging and running CI on that
since then. We think Newton is going to be the best release of OpenStack
yet, and we need your help to ensure that this is the case.
We'll be gathering on the #rdo channel on the Freenode IRC network, as
well as posting our findings to the rdo-list mailing list.
For more information about this test day, see the test day web page
And we're just a few weeks out from the scheduled Newton release
<https://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html>, on the week of
October 3rd.
OpenStack Summit coming soon
OpenStack Summit is just a few weeks away - October 25-29 in Barcelona,
Spain - and we would love to see you there. We'll be in the expo hall,
in booth D1, on the right, just inside the main entrance.
If there's something interesting that you've done with RDO that you'd
like to demo at our pod, or if you just want to help answer RDO
questions, please let me know - we'd love to have you as part of our
demo schedule.
We also expect to have a community meetup at the Summit, as we usually
do. Details are still being worked out. We'll notify the rdo-list
mailing list as soon we we have a time and place confirmed.
You can register for the summit at openstack.org/summit
Upcoming events
In addition to OpenStack Summit, RDO will have a presence at a number of
other upcoming events. Each week, upcoming meetups are posted to
rdo-list, and also to the RDO events calendar
In particular, you will want to mark your calendar for the following events:
The Red Hat OpenStack Platform
September 8th in Pittsburgh.
MAD for OpenStack
<http://www.meetup.com/MAD-for-OpenStack/events/233790123/>, Madrid.
September 14th.
PyCon India <https://in.pycon.org/2016/>, September 24th and 25th in
New Delhi.
LinuxDays Prague <https://www.linuxdays.cz/2016/>, October 8th and 9th.
Contributing to the documentation
With the Newton release just around the corner, it's a good time to
refresh the website and the documentation. If you'd like to help with
this effort, here's what you need to get started.
Clone the Git repository
at https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website and follow the
instructions in the README to get a local version of the website running.
Look through the site, and identify documents that are outdated,
incorrect, or anything that you feel is missing. You can either correct
these yourself, and send pull requests, or open tickets
Where we particularly need help is identifying documents that need to be
written. To this end, we need the help of beginners, to go through the
website, and see what information you need, which isn't readily available.
Community meeting
Ever Wednesday at 15:00 UTC, we have the weekly RDO community meeting on
the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. And at 15:00 UTC Thursdays, we have
the CentOS Cloud SIG Meeting on #centos-devel.
The agendas, and minutes, from these meetings, may be found in
the rdo-list mail archives
<https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/> each week. The meeting
typically covers everything from project status, to upcoming event
participation, to discussion of technical decisions. Major decisions are
always taken back to the mailing list for consideration by the wider
Keep in touch
There's lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the RDO
community. The best ways are …
* RDO <http://rdoproject.org/>
* Project Status <http://dashboards.rdoproject.org/>
* OpenStack Q&A <http://ask.openstack.org/>
Mailing Lists:
* rdo-list mailing list <http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list>
* This newsletter <http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-newsletter>
* IRC - #rdo on Freenode.irc.net
* Puppet module development - #rdo-puppet
Social Media
* Follow us on Twitter <http://twitter.com/rdocommunity>
* Google+ <http://tm3.org/rdogplus>
* Facebook <http://facebook.com/rdocommunity>
Thanks again for being part of the RDO community!
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
Rdo-newsletter mailing list
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] [Cloud SIG][RDO] RDO meeting minutes - 2016-09-07
by John Trowbridge
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2016-09-07
Meeting started by number80 at 15:02:30 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (number80, 15:02:35)
* Test day readiness (trown, 15:05:22)
* Moving redhat-openstack/tempest reviews from gerrithub to r.o.o
(chandankumar) (trown, 15:09:37)
* AGREED: leave tempest fork where it is and deprecate as soon as
possible (trown, 15:15:44)
* Adding repo files for CI-tested repos in buildlogs CDN (trown,
* Background: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=11090 (trown,
(number80, 15:20:55)
(apevec, 15:21:43)
* ACTION: jpena to create cart for CI part of using CDN, assign to
weshay (jpena, 15:24:25)
* newton-rdo branching status [hguemar] (trown, 15:26:38)
* oslo libs are getting forked for newton (number80, 15:27:48)
* everybody take over RDO-NEWTON reviews (apevec, 15:28:49)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=RDO-NEWTON
(apevec, 15:29:01)
* ACTION: apevec to report RDO-NEWTON progress for the next meeting
(apevec, 15:29:57)
* anouncements (trown, 15:31:05)
* Newton milestone 3 test day is this Thursday and Friday. Please
(trown, 15:31:20)
* Demos/Q&A at RDO booth at OpenStack Summit Barcelonad - signup at
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-barcelona-summit-booth (trown,
* Ping me (rbowen) ASAP if there's anything you want in the newsletter
(going out later today) -
(trown, 15:31:54)
* open floor (trown, 15:34:32)
* next chair (trown, 15:39:57)
* chandankumar to chair next meeting (trown, 15:41:49)
Meeting ended at 15:42:00 UTC.
Action Items
* jpena to create cart for CI part of using CDN, assign to weshay
* apevec to report RDO-NEWTON progress for the next meeting
Action Items, by person
* apevec
* apevec to report RDO-NEWTON progress for the next meeting
* jpena
* jpena to create cart for CI part of using CDN, assign to weshay
* weshay
* jpena to create cart for CI part of using CDN, assign to weshay
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* apevec (59)
* trown (42)
* number80 (26)
* dmellado (19)
* zodbot (10)
* chandankumar (10)
* weshay (9)
* jpena (8)
* openstack (6)
* social_ (4)
* rbowen (3)
* imcsk8 (3)
* snarwade (2)
* jruzicka (2)
* atarakt (2)
* coolsvap (1)
* flepied (1)
* myoung (1)
* Duck (1)
* jschlueter (1)
* afazekas (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] Upcoming OpenStack meetups
by Rich Bowen
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Wednesday September 07 in Richardson, TX, US: ETSI NFV-SEC - best
practices - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-DFW/events/233744324/
* Wednesday September 07 in San Francisco, CA, US: Containers and
OpenStack - http://www.meetup.com/openstack/events/233227736/
* Thursday September 08 in Pittsburgh, PA, US: The Red Hat OpenStack
Platform -
* Thursday September 08 in Reston, VA, US: OpenStack meetup on
contributions in the OpenStack community! -
* Friday September 09 in Guadalajara, MX: Hackathon de Aplicaciones en
OpenStack - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-GDL/events/232288032/
* Saturday September 10 in North York, ON, CA: OpenStack Administration
- Success & Failures of the Cloud Adoption -
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
8 years, 2 months
[rdo-list] [TripleO] ControllerLoadBalancerDeployment_Step1 resource failed
by Samuel Monderer
I have one controller and one compute node both with 3 NICs: IPMI,net1 and
I've based my overcloud configuration on the bond with vlans but I removed
the bond and just used a single NIC instead.
For the moment I don't need storage as my setup is a NFV cloud, so I
removed the storage network and storage-management network.
Network configuration per node
- controller:
- NIC1:
- Provioning Network
- NIC2
- Internal Network
- Tenant Network
- Management Network
- External Network
- compute
- NIC1:
- Provioning Network
- NIC2
- Internal Network
- Tenant Network
- Management Network
By the way what is the management netwrok for? Is it for accesssing the
nodes without going through the director?
I ran the deployment but the following resources failed
When I checked the os-collect-config log on the controller I found that
It wasn't able to reach the mysql server (attached is the log file)
Any Idea what could be the issue?
Attached are also the configuration files
8 years, 2 months