[Rdo-list] What should be RDO Definition of Done?
by Haïkel
In an effort to improve RDO release process, we came accross the idea
of having a defined definition of done.
What are the criteria to decide if a release of RDO is DONE?
* RDO installs w/ packstack
* RDO installs w/ RDO Manager
* Documentation is up to date
etc ....
I added the topic to the RDO meeting agenda, but I'd like to enlarge
the discussion outside the pool of people coming
to the meetings and even technical contributors.
8 years, 12 months
[Rdo-list] The RDO Quickstart Guide and Private Network
by John Alway
I overcame the problem of getting a valid key-pair value. I'm not sure
exactly how it was fixed, but I found the rabbitmq server was down. This
was a result of a host name conflict. The /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts
files must both have the same hostname. I fixed that, and key-value pair
now works. I'm not sure if that was the reason, because of some funny
behavior prior, and it didn't initially complain about this. Suffice to
say, I'm glad it's working!
Anyway, I'm doing the first tutorial, and I've run into an issue.
Here is the tutorial:
I ran through the steps, and when I got to Step 5, it wanted me to select a
"private network," however I only have a public network to select.
I'm running this thing to get myself started, so that I can learn
Openstack. So, I'm not sure why there is no private network, nor how I can
create one.
Does anyone have any ideas on this?
9 years
[Rdo-list] Deploying an HA dev environment with tripleo-quickstart
by Lars Kellogg-Stedman
I'm working on a slightly more in-depth article on this topic, but in
order for some people (pmyers I'm looking at you) to get started I
wanted to write up some very quick instructions. Forgive me any typos
in this email because I'd like to send it out before actually running
through everything locally: while the process is automated, an HA
deploy can still take quite a while to complete. Also, the fetch of
the undercloud image *also* takes a chunk of time; there are
instructions in the tripleo-quickstart README for caching a local copy
of the image to speed up subsequent installs.
You will need a physical host with at least 32GB of RAM. More is
better, less *may* be possible but you will probably regret it.
You will also need Ansible 2.0.x, which is what you will get if you
'pip install ansible', or install Ansible from updates-testing
(Fedora) or epel-testing (RHEL/CentOS/...).
Do *not* run Ansible HEAD from the git repository! This will lead to
sadness and disappointment.
1. Prepare your target host.
You need a user on your target host to which you can (a) log in via
ssh without a password and then (b) sudo to root without a password.
We'll refer to this user as "targetuser", below. That is, the
following should work:
ssh -tt targetuser@targethost sudo uptime
2. Clone the tripleo-quickstart repository:
git clone https://github.com/redhat-openstack/tripleo-quickstart
cd tripleo-quickstart
(Everything below is run from inside the tripleo-quickstart
2. Create an ansible inventory file.
Create an inventory file that lists your target host in the 'virthost'
and that provides ansible with the necessary connection information:
cat > inventory <<EOF
my.target.host ansible_user=targetuser
3. Create an ansible playbook.
cat > playbooks/ha.yml <<EOF
- hosts: virthost
- role: libvirt/teardown
- role: libvirt/setup
- hosts: localhost
- rebuild-inventory
- hosts: undercloud
- overcloud
4. Create a variables file that describes your architecture:
cat > nodes.yml <<EOF
extra_args: >-
--control-scale 3
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml
--ntp-server pool.ntp.org
baremetal_vm_xml: |
<cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>
libvirt_args: --libvirt-type kvm
# Set these to values appropriate for your target system. You
# by default get three controllers, one compute node, and
# one ceph node (so this example has a memory footprint of
# 32GB, which is probably too much for a host with only
# 32GB of RAM).
control_memory: 8192
compute_memory: 4096
ceph_memory: 4096
The above configuration will enabled nested KVM on the target host.
It is possible to change the number of nodes of each type that are
created, but that's for another time.
5. Run it!
ansible-playbook playbooks/ha.yml -i inventory -e @nodes.yml
This will:
- First attempt to clean up the virtual environment from any
previous run of tripleo-quickstart
- Deploy a new virtual undercloud and virtual overcloud
- Install the undercloud
- Deploy the overcloud
- Validate the overcloud
If you don't trust your copying-and-pasting, the example files
referenced in this email are also available from:
git clone https://gist.github.com/e02ca28982d1daacfa5d.git
Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars(a)redhat.com> | larsks @ {freenode,twitter,github}
Cloud Engineering / OpenStack | http://blog.oddbit.com/
9 years
[Rdo-list] RDO Manager Liberty DVR
by Charles Short
I am trying to deploy DVR with RDO manager.
I can find template references to DVR in -
I altered the defaults to enable DVR and deployed the Overcloud
Unfortunately the DVR changes I made do not appear in the config files
on the nodes.
Has anyone managed to deploy DVR with RDO Manager?
Charles Short
Cloud Engineer
Virtualization and Cloud Team
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 494205
9 years
[Rdo-list] ask.openstack.org unaswered RDO questions: 2/29
by Rich Bowen
63 unanswered questions:
Network config when testing on nested environment
Tags: rdo, network, fedora, nested
Openstack installation fails using packstack, failure is in installation
of openstack-nova-compute. Error: Dependency Package[nova-compute] has
Tags: novacompute, rdo, packstack, dependency, failure
CentOS OpenStack - compute node can't talk
Tags: rdo
Huawei OceanStor Cinder drivers in RDO
Tags: rdo, cinder, huawei, oceanstor
How to setup SWIFT_PROXY_NODE and SWIFT_STORAGE_NODEs separately on
RDO Liberty ?
Tags: rdo, liberty, swift, ha
Can I use enoxxxxxx NIC name directly when try to configure Openstack
Tags: eno, nic, eth0
VM and container can't download anything from internet
Tags: rdo, neutron, network, connectivity
Liberty Error during RDO Packstack
Tags: liberty, neutron, circular, dependency, ovs-agent-service
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
Tags: access, ovs-bridge, multi-tenant, liberty-neutron
Create a new dashboard Error
Tags: dashboard, command, startdash, manage.py
OpenStack-Docker driver failed
Tags: docker, openstack, liberty
Clarification on docs for self service connectivity
Tags: liberty, neutron, connectivity, router
Can't create volume with cinder
Tags: cinder, glusterfs, nfs
Why is /usr/bin/openstack domain list ... hanging?
Tags: puppet, keystone, kilo
[ RDO ] Could not find declared class ::remote::db
Tags: rdo
Sahara SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner
Tags: sahara, icehouse, ssh, vanila
Error Sahara create cluster: 'Error attach volume to instance
Tags: sahara, attach-volume, vanila, icehouse
Creating Sahara cluster: Error attach volume to instance
Tags: sahara, attach-volume, hadoop, icehouse, vanilla
Routing between two tenants
Tags: kilo, fuel, rdo, routing
Freeing IP from FLAT network setup
Tags: juno, existing-network, rdo, neutron, flat
How to deploy Virtual network function (VNF) in Opnstack integrated
Tags: vnf, kilo, opendaylight, nfv
RDO kilo installation metadata widget doesn't work
Tags: kilo, flavor, metadata
Not able to ssh into RDO Kilo instance
Tags: rdo, instance-ssh
No able to create an instance in odl integrated RDO Kilo openstack
Tags: kilo, rdo, opendaylight, kilo-neutron, integration
redhat RDO enable access to swift via S3
Tags: swift, s3
openstack baremetal introspection internal server error
Tags: rdo, ironic-inspector, tripleo
glance\nova command line SSL failure
Tags: glance, kilo-openstack, ssl
Cannot create/update flavor metadata from horizon
Tags: rdo, kilo, flavor, metadata
Installing openstack using packstack (rdo) failed
Tags: rdo, packstack, installation-error, keystone
can't start instances after upgrade/reboot
Tags: cinder, iscsi, rdo, juno_rdo
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years
[Rdo-list] OpenStack Meetups, week of Feb 29
by Rich Bowen
The following are the meetups I'm aware of in the coming week where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know
of others, please let me know, and/or add them to
I wanted to particularly draw attention to the upcoming worldwide Mitaka
Bug Smash event -
If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you
attend, please consider taking a few photos, and possibly even writing
up a brief summary of what was covered.
* Monday February 29 in Reston, VA, US: Leap through an OpenStack
Networking Session with Mark McClain -
* Wednesday March 02 in Richardson, TX, US: Neutron Network Trouble
Shooting part 2 - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-DFW/events/228303718/
* Wednesday March 02 in Washington, DC, US: DNS, VNF, Security & SDN in
OpenStack (#29) - http://www.meetup.com/OpenStackDC/events/227478159/
* Wednesday March 02 in Stuttgart, DE: OpenStack @ SEEBURGER AG -
* Thursday March 03 in Raleigh, NC, US: Building Agile Clouds with
OpenStack technical event - March -
* Thursday March 03 in Łódź, PL: Wprowadzenie do OpenStacka czyli jak w
5min postawić swoją chmurę -
* Monday March 07 in New York, NY, US: Global OpenStack Bug Smash
Mitaka: NYC -
* Monday March 07 in Bangalore, IN: Openstack Bug Smash Mitaka -
Bangalore -
* Monday March 07 in Bangalore, IN: OpenStack Bug Smash Mitaka - Pune -
* Monday March 07 in Sydney, AU: Sydney Developer Bugs Smash -
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years
[Rdo-list] RDO blogs, week of February 29, 2016
by Rich Bowen
Here's what RDO enthusiasts have been blogging about in the last week:
Using a custom ssh config with Ansible’s synchronize module, by Harry
Have you ever needed to specify which ssh config file rsync should use
when called from Ansible’s synchronize module? I have and it was not
obvious how to do so.
… read more at http://tm3.org/52
RDO Mitaka 3 test day, March 10th, 11th by Rich Bowen
Mitaka 3 test day, March 10, 11
On-site test day in Brno
Demo of deploying with TripleO
… read more at http://tm3.org/53
Keystone on Port 80 For Tripleo by Adam Young
Many services assume that Keystone listens on ports 5000 and 35357. I’d
prefer to have Keystone listen on the standard HTTP(s) ports of 80 and
443. We can’t remove the non-standard ports without a good deal of
rewriting. But there is nothing preventing us from running Keystone on
port 80 or 443 in addition to those ports.
… read more at http://tm3.org/54
Skydive : a real-time network analyzer by Sylvain Afchain
SDN solutions are complex and troubleshooting/monitoring them is even
harder. It seems that while we have a better way to automate the network
we lose visibility and operability. For example, in order to
troubleshoot an issue you have of to understand the network in general
but also to have a deep understanding of how the SDN solution is
implementing the network. And if you have multiple SDN solutions
deployed – with maybe nested SDN solutions like container network in VMs
– finding the root cause of an issue starts to be really hard.
… read more at http://tm3.org/55
David Moreau Simard at OpenStack Montreal (Video)
… watch at http://tm3.org/56
Hackery to get going RDO Kilo on Fedora 23 by Boris Derzhavets
Sequence of hacks required to get going RDO Kilo on Fedora 23 is caused
by existence of many areas where Nova has a hard dependency on Glance
v1. Per
… read more at http://tm3.org/57
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison
9 years