[rdo-dev] [ppc64le] Delorean Octavia ppc64le Packages

Javier Pena jpena at redhat.com
Tue Aug 21 10:03:29 UTC 2018

----- Original Message -----
> Hey all,
> I've been working alongside Mike Turek to try to get Triple O containers
> building on ppc64le. We're currently hung up on the
> python-octavia-tests-tempest-golang package from the delorean repo. If
> you go take a look at the repo itself [1], you'll see that the only
> packages being published exclusively for x86 are the octavia ones.
> The openstack-queens repo [2] offers all of the octavia packages built
> for ppc64le, so there's definitely not an x86 requirement, but their
> version does not match that required for the Triple O containers. We
> need someone to build the octavia packages (especially
> python-octavia-tests-tempest-golang) for ppc64le in the delorean
> repository to stop versioning conflicts.

Hi Adam,

It looks like you found the only non-noarch package :). As you mentioned, there is nothing x86-specific in the package, just the fact that it is compiled using Go. Unfortunately, our RDO Trunk infra consists just of x86 VMs, so we do not have the means to build it for ppc64le.

Maybe you could setup a DLRN instance to build just the Octavia package, and then use that repo in your tests with a higher priority?


> Thanks!
> Adam Kimball
> [1] -
> https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/e4/fc/e4fcd2c5732e7d366639d07245c493329f463381_ffda0a4a
> [2] - http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/cloud/ppc64le/openstack-queens/
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