[rdo-list] [CI] proposal to change a job name

Wesley Hayutin whayutin at redhat.com
Thu Jan 12 04:11:45 UTC 2017


There seems to be quite a bit of confusion regarding the purpose of the
jobs in the public rdo ci system.
The naming conventions in these jobs are not very clear and it's
understandable that people have mixed things up a bit.
I propose we change the name of  [1], to read

This change would reflect that the job [1] is using the criteria set by the
rdo community for a rdo release of a build.
The rdo community expects openstack-puppet, packstack and tripleo to all be
validated for rdo releases and I think that *is*
appropriate for the community.

This would delineate and highlight the difference between other jobs that
are used as criteria for a particular installer like tripleo.
Thanks, let me know if you approve or have other suggestions.

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