[Rdo-list] Upgrade to Mikata, everything works but Cinder

Devin Acosta devin at pabstatencio.com
Sat Apr 9 20:13:38 UTC 2016

I upgraded and spent hours getting things to work, it appears the 
keystone::middlewear is getting me. The Only issue I currently notice is 
I lost access to cinder services. When I try to run: cinder 
service-list, i get 500 error, logs show:

2016-04-09 13:08:01.478 402902 DEBUG eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (402902) 
accepted ('', 56963) server 
2016-04-09 13:08:01.486 402902 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] 
Using the in-process token cache is deprecated as of the 4.2.0 release 
and may be removed in the 5.0.0 release or the 'O' development cycle. 
The in-process cache causes inconsistent results and high memory usage. 
When the feature is removed the auth_token middleware will not cache 
tokens by default which may result in performance issues. It is 
recommended to use  memcache for the auth_token token cache by setting 
the memcached_servers option.
2016-04-09 13:08:01.516 402902 ERROR keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] 
Bad response code while validating token: 400
2016-04-09 13:08:01.527 402902 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] 
Identity response: {"error": {"message": "Expecting to find username or 
userId in passwordCredentials - the server could not comply with the 
request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client 
is assumed to be in error.", "code": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}}
2016-04-09 13:08:01.528 402902 CRITICAL keystonemiddleware.auth_token 
[-] Unable to validate token: Failed to fetch token data from identity 
2016-04-09 13:08:01.531 402902 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-] 
"GET /v2/bb33fb34be514d21878c424cfe2e1ce7/os-services HTTP/1.1" status: 
503  len: 325 time: 0.0486860

I am using Ceph (which shouldn't matter) and I can spin up new 
instances, but for some reason it gives me error in GUI saying "*Error: 
*Unable to retrieve volume limit information.".

Any help is appreciated can't figure out what I have missing wrong in my 
keystone in cinder, everything looks correct.


Devin Acosta, RHCE|LFCE
Linux Certified Engineer

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