[Rdo-list] Attempt to reproduce Kashyap Setup (Controller+Compute) on F20 is almost done

Kashyap Chamarthy kchamart at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 17:25:13 UTC 2014

[Please don't top-post on technical lists.]

On 01/21/2014 12:01 PM, Boris Derzhavets wrote:
> I am pretty close. I can load Cirros instance on Compute and run nslookup inside it. Everything is fine with IP's and routing. However , i cannot connect via ssh to both Cirros and Fedora 19 instances. Might it be gre tunnelling issue ? Details :-

If it's GRE tunnelling issues, ensure you have the GRE related iptables
rules on both Controller and Compute nodes:

  -A INPUT -p gre -j ACCEPT
  -A OUTPUT -p gre -j ACCEPT

(You said - "double checked iptables", but didn't mention specifics.)

Here's my working Neutron configs w/ F20+Havana set-up (might need some
tiny tweaking if you have latest RDO Ice House packages).


> On Controller :-
> [root at ip-192-169-142-57 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp \
>>   --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 \
>>   --direction ingress --remote-ip-prefix default
> Multiple security_group matches found for name 'default', use an ID to be more specific.
> [root at ip-192-169-142-57 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron security-group-list
> +--------------------------------------+---------+-------------+
> | id                                   | name    | description |
> +--------------------------------------+---------+-------------+
> | a085748d-92c0-40e0-a4c1-bc86935ec0ee | default | default     |
> | b6203882-561d-4f7b-9e2e-441c57e83419 | default | default     |
> | c70b80d3-f060-4002-af22-6603c745a6cf | default | default     |
> +--------------------------------------+---------+-------------+
> [root at ip-192-169-142-57 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp   --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22   --direction ingress --remote-ip-prefix  a085748d-92c0-40e0-a4c1-bc86935ec0ee
> 409-{u'NeutronError': {u'message': u'Security group rule already exists. Group id is 6d15d6cc-ed13-4c26-89ff-7ff10e6c4656.', u'type': u'SecurityGroupRuleExists', u'detail': u''}}
> [root at ip-192-169-142-57 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp   --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22   --direction ingress --remote-ip-prefix  b6203882-561d-4f7b-9e2e-441c57e83419
> Created a new security_group_rule:
> +-------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | Field             | Value                                |
> +-------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | direction         | ingress                              |
> | ethertype         | IPv4                                 |
> | id                | 97232fb3-6ba1-46a3-a8e3-2f25ba0c70dc |
> | port_range_max    | 22                                   |
> | port_range_min    | 22                                   |
> | protocol          | tcp                                  |
> | remote_group_id   |                                      |
> | remote_ip_prefix  |                            |
> | security_group_id | b6203882-561d-4f7b-9e2e-441c57e83419 |
> | tenant_id         | 751cda6ede504ccd9562edd233b32b34     |
> +-------------------+--------------------------------------+
> [root at ip-192-169-142-57 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron floatingip-show \
> 3d40ed62-ad78-4042-8342-9f76c419c8c1
> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | Field               | Value                                |
> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | fixed_ip_address    |                             |
> | floating_ip_address |                      |
> | floating_network_id | 8e2df372-544d-4921-ad58-e164e5128410 |
> | id                  | 3d40ed62-ad78-4042-8342-9f76c419c8c1 |
> | port_id             | 41da6b37-dfd8-49a2-8dae-45d9a99ef7d7 |
> | router_id           | ba157037-747e-4a44-84d5-13d7d30e88ac |
> | tenant_id           | 751cda6ede504ccd9562edd233b32b34     |
> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
> [root at ip-192-169-142-57 ~(keystone_admin)]$ ssh -l fedora -i oskey1.priv
> Hangs

> I double checked iptables on compute  node . It's OK


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