Hi all,

I'm trying to setup an environment for test using quickstart.sh


On my previous attempt I was on vmware and had quite a lot of trouble, then I deided to go with physical servers.

Everything seemed to be fine until I hit an error:


TASK [overcloud-prep-images : Prepare the overcloud images for deploy] *******************************************************************************************************************************************

task path: /root/.quickstart/usr/local/share/ansible/roles/overcloud-prep-images/tasks/overcloud-prep-images.yml:2

Wednesday 30 January 2019 17:55:26 +0100 (0:00:08.814) 3:19:01.327 *****

fatal: [undercloud]: FAILED! => {

"changed": true,

"cmd": "set -o pipefail && /home/stack/overcloud-prep-images.sh 2>&1 | awk '{ print strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |\"), $0; fflush(); }' > /home/stack/overcloud_prep_images.log",

"delta": "0:00:55.437392",

"end": "2019-01-30 16:56:22.968243",

"rc": 1,

"start": "2019-01-30 16:55:27.530851"





non-zero return code


Now I have to questions:

1) How do I can trace the error to understand and fix what's happening ?

2) How can I avoid to start all over again with quickstart.sh, being that my hardware is quite slow and it took my more than 4 hours to get there ?

( I know quickstart has tags, but I can't find any info on which ones are, and how to use them )


Thanks in advance

