Besides OpenStack Summit Vancouver, the following are the meetups I'm aware of in the next two weeks where OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know of others, please let me know, and/or add them to

If there's a meetup in your area, please consider attending. If you attend, please consider taking a few photos to share and possibly even writing up a brief summary of what was covered.


* Wednesday May 23 in Phoenix, AZ, US: Google's Kelsey Hightower - Kubernetes and the path to Serverless -

* Thursday May 24 in Paris, FR: OpenShift, OpenStack, Ansible, à la conquête du Cloud avec RedHat ! -

* Thursday May 24 in Taguig, PH: Tech Learning Hangout: Learning RedHat's Latest OpenStack Technology Over Beer  -

* Monday May 28 in Sydney, AU: Australian OpenStack User Group - Quarterly Brisbane Meetup -

* Thursday May 31 in Wellington, NZ: Kubernetes <3 OpenStack -

* Thursday May 31 in Wellington, NZ: Istio 1.0 & K8s <3 OpenStack -

* Saturday June 02 in Köln, DE: The easy way to Hybrid Kubernetes on AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack and Bare-Metal -
K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team