

Jaromir Coufal
Edge Computing Product Management

Red Hat, 300 A Street, Boston, MA 02210
T:  +1-978-392-8145, E:  jcoufal@redhat.com

On Jul 16, 2019, at 08:39, Pedro Sousa <pgsousa@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

A customer of mine tried to scale the nodes on undercloud and mistakenly passed the arguments control-scale 0 and compute 1 instead of control-scale 3 and compute 4  on overcloud deploy.

What happened is that it started to shutdown/delete the nodes. Fortunately the customer canceled the process on time and we managed to recover the overcloud with the nodes intact.

However, when we try to scale the nodes again it doesn't work as it deleted the swift containers from overcloud deployment plan.

My question is if is there a way to recover the overcloud state without the swift containers? 

He's using ocata version / centos.

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