While I am back to work almost full time after the birth of my super sweet twinsess, I'm not QUITE travelling across the pond YET and therefore have recruited Haïkel Guémar and Molly Kepley to be the OSAS Ambassadors at OpenStack Summit Vancouver and Red Hat Summit respectively.

I and the rest of the RDO community will be available on #rdo the weeks that they're covering the booths to answer any questions, concerns, and snarky comments they may have in the call of duty. However, if you're also attending one of these summits, please consider joining Haïkel [0] or Molly [1] for a shift or two and / or to demo something you've recently done.

Please join me in thanking them offline for their awesomeness!

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-vancouver-summit-booth
[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-manageIQ-ceph-rhSummit2018

K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards Team