
I'm new to OpenStack and I would like to install a production cloud (Centos 7) using tripleo in our research lab.

I followed the steps in https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-docs/latest/install/installation/installation.html for a baremetal undercloud environment. Yet it fails. Failure seems to be on the iscsid container. But messages are a bit cryptic to me. Here's part of my detailed ansible.log file with the failure: https://pastebin.com/2wViAh6e . The interesting lines are those I think:

        "2019-01-15 09:26:07,250 ERROR: 728237 -- Failed running docker-puppet.py for iscsid",
        "2019-01-15 09:26:07,251 ERROR: 728237 -- Notice: hiera(): Cannot load backend module_data: cannot load such file -- hiera/backend/module_data_backend",
        "Notice: Compiled catalog for <my.cloud.hostname> in environment production in 0.58 seconds",
        "Notice: /Stage[main]/Tripleo::Profile::Base::Iscsid/Exec[reset-iscsi-initiator-name]/returns: sh: /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi: Permission denied",
        "Notice: /Stage[main]/Tripleo::Profile::Base::Iscsid/File[/etc/iscsi/.initiator_reset]: Dependency Exec[reset-iscsi-initiator-name] has failures: true",

The details of my installation are as follow:

1- Fresh Centos 7 install, all updated

2- A non-root user, part of the docker group

3- I did all the validations for tripleo, they all pass

4- I plan to do node discovery, so I don't have the instackenv.json file

5- I enabled the triple repos:

$ sudo yum install -y https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/current/python2-tripleo-repos-0.0.1-0.20190114223251.6470f0c.el7.noarch.rpm
$ sudo -E tripleo-repos -b rocky current

6- Install the tripleo client:

$ sudo yum install -y python-tripleoclient

7- Prepare the undercloud.conf file: see https://framabin.org/p/?ebfee19a647baba1#jAO4Jkik3z9ajavrhKQ7mgCz2s8Nea3v/uwlRYLgVVQ=

8- I skipped all the optional steps

9- Undercloud installation

$ openstack undercloud install

What am I missing here? I tried on 2 different machines, with a fresh or older installations, I always did the same steps and it all fails at the same place.

Thank you and best regards,
