I am trying to build openstack on CentOS7 using the guide here:
I successfully install openstack and can access the dashboard like any other openstack instance. I face issues when trying to create a cirros image using an m1.tiny in a qcow2 format or centos7 image using m2.small using both qcow2 and raw, see the below errors.
Error: Failed to perform requested operation on instance "tst", the instance has an error status: Please try again later [Error: Build of instance 13cb37c2-47f8-4dba-9507-867b4e65d36c aborted: Volume e2b0619d-b69e-46ef-b0e1-d9319dfb2c76 did
not finish being created even after we waited 6 seconds or 3 attempts. And its status is error.].
Error: Failed to perform requested operation on instance "new", the instance has an error status: Please try again later [Error: Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance 5a3657af-fd09-4b05-94d9-ebe9c69e954d.].
Error: Failed to perform requested operation on instance "centosraw", the instance has an error status: Please try again later [Error: Build of instance 2332555b-98a3-4638-b876-3c9357405971 aborted: Volume 74702c41-d858-46aa-95b0-d42038f54e26
did not finish being created even after we waited 209 seconds or 61 attempts. And its status is creating.].
I have tried multiple images and versions, does anyone have any idea how to fix this?