The following are the
meetups I'm aware of in the next two weeks where
OpenStack and/or RDO enthusiasts are likely to be present. If you know of others, please let me know, or simply add them to
See a meetup in your area? Please consider attending. And if you attend, we'd love it if you could take a few photos, and possibly even write up a brief summary of what was covered.
Drop me a line if you do -- I'll feature it in the next blog round-up or RDO newsletter.
* Saturday January 13 in México City, MX:
Construcción de artefactos: Packer / Dockerfiles / Openstack Heat / Veewee
* Wednesday January 17 in Istanbul, TR: 14. Meetup Ankara:
Yeni Başlayanlar için OpenStack
* Thursday January 18 in Boston, MA, US: OpenStack Meetup:
Storage Performance -The AWS Way for QoS with OpenStack & Ceph
* Saturday January 20 in Bangalore, IN:
January OpenStack Meetup 2018
* Tuesday January 23 in Prague, CZ:
OpenStack Meetup