* Latest promotions (TripleO CI):
* Master: 24th June
* Ussuri: 26th June
* Train: 25th June
* Stein: 25th June
* Known blockers master(random failures):-
* Known blocker stein/queens
* Known blocker train
* Known blocker master
* Congress, paunch and neutron-fwaas have been retired upstream and are being removed from RDO Victoria
* Ansible is updated to 2.9.10 in Train/Ussuri and Victoria.
* openstack-selinux updated to 0.8.22 to fix some CentOS 8 issues.
* ci.centos weirdo jobs are migrated to vexxhost, Other RDO jobs are also being evaluated on vexxhost
* Update of OpenStack clients to Ussuri releases in Fedora is in progress
* networking-l2gw removal is being discussed upstream. Finally it will probably be moved to x namespace:
* rabbitmq-server has been updated for CentOS 8.2, tested and pushed to CentOS mirrors including aarch64 builds
* CentOS8 jobs for train release are being set up