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Community News

Community Meetings

Every Tuesday at 13:30 UTC, we have a weekly TripleO CI community meeting on https://meet.google.com/bqx-xwht-wky with the agenda on https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw. The TripleO CI meeting focuses on a group of people focusing on Continuous Integration tooling and system who would like to provide a comprehensive testing framework that is easily reproducible for TripleO contributors. This framework should also be consumable by other CI systems (OPNFV, RDO, vendor CI, etc.), so that TripleO can be tested the same way everywhere. This is NOT a place for TripleO usage questions, rather, check out the next meeting listed just below.

Every Tuesday at 14:00 UTC, immediately following the TripleO CI meeting is the weekly TripleO Community meeting on the #TripleO channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting is posted each week in a public etherpad. This is for addressing anything to do with TripleO, including usage, feature requests, and bug reports.

Every Wednesday at 14:00 UTC, we have a weekly RDO community meeting on the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting is posted each week in a public etherpad and the minutes from the meeting are posted on the RDO website. If there's something you'd like to see happen in RDO - a package that is missing, a tool that you'd like to see included, or a change in how things are governed - this is the best time and place to help make that happen.

Every Thursday at 15:00 UTC, there is a weekly CentOS Cloud SIG meeting on the #centos-devel channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this meeting is posted each week in a public etherpad and the minutes from the meeting are posted on the RDO website. This meeting makes sense for people that are involved in packaging OpenStack for CentOS and for people that are packaging OTHER cloud infra things (OpenNebula, CloudStack, Euca, etc) for CentOS. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

OpenStack News

Spotlight On Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA)

The updated OpenStack Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA) exam became available in October 2019, and we have seen a resurgence in interest by both the global community and our training partners. Thousands of Stackers have demonstrated their skills and proven their expertise, helping organizations identify top talent in the industry. The COA exam remains a critical and respected certification for anyone working on OpenStack.

Possible Data Loss Situation Within Cinder

Brian Rosmaita reported an issue that, in rare conditions, may cause data loss in Cinder volumes for the OpenStack Train release. Train deployments are advised to deploy the described workaround to avoid any issue.

We’re Over Halfway Down The River

The project teams have just passed the ussuri-2 milestone, in preparation for a final Ussuri release on May 13. Please read this release countdown email from Sean McGinnis for information on upcoming release cycle deadlines!

Victoria Common Community Goals

Every cycle, our community sets common goals for the next OpenStack release. Ghanshyam Mann just started the process for the Victoria development cycle, which will start after Ussuri is released in May. We are interested in goals that have user-visible impact and make OpenStack easier to operate. If you are interested in proposing a goal, please write down your idea on the Victoria goals etherpad!

OpenStack Wants YOU!

Interested in investing in OpenStack development, but don't know where to maximize impact and returns? The OpenStack Technical Committee just refreshed its Investment opportunities list for 2020. Please have a look and don't hesitate to reach out!

Recent and Upcoming Events

OpenStack Track at OpenShift Commons

The OpenShift Commons Gathering will be co-located in San Francisco with Red Hat Summit at the Moscone Convention and Exhibition Center!

The OpenShift Commons Gathering brings together experts from all over the world to discuss container technologies, best practices for cloud native application developers and the open source software projects that underpin the OpenShift ecosystem. This event will gather developers, devops professionals and sysadmins together to explore the next steps in making container technologies successful and secure. We’re particularly excited to have an entire afternoon track dedicated to OpenStack during this event!

Please note: Pre-registration is required AND You must have a pass for Red Hat Summit to attend this event. To register, add the OpenShift Commons Gathering as a co-located event during your Red Hat Summit registration. By being co-located in San Francisco with Red Hat Summit at the Moscone Convention and Exhibition Center, the OpenShift Commons Gathering will provide a platform for showcasing a full range of technologies that support the OpenShift ecosystem and help bring cloud native project communities together. We strongly encourage you to partake in the full week of events.

Call For Papers

There are a handful of relevant conferences with open CFPs. Need help figuring out a good topic or finalizing your abstract? Feel free to reach out in the #RDO channel on IRC.

Other Events

Other RDO events, including the many OpenStack meetups around the world, are always listed on the RDO events page. If you have an RDO-related event, please feel free to add it by submitting a pull request on Github.

Keep in Touch

There are lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the RDO community. The best ways are …


Mailing Lists

IRC on Freenode.irc.net

Social Media

As always, thanks for being part of the RDO community!

K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source Program Office