From: <> on behalf of Pradeep Antil <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 9:20 AM
Subject: [rdo-list] TripleO Deployment in VirtualBox VMs
Hi Folks,

I am want to try tripleO in VirtualBox Vms, is it possible to install Under and Overcloud inside the VirtualBox VMs for POC purpose.

If Yes, is there any doc or logical steps to deploy tripleo inside VirtualBox VMs.
There is a special a Proxy Server to convert IPMI functions into TripleO QS Libvirt calls
TripleO on bare metal  requires IPMI  enabled on boxes involved.
 In meantime VENV  is only TripleO QS extensively utilizing Libvirt .
 Personally I cannot consider even TripleO QS as a POC.
 It's actually,  pretty special development and testing tool.
 If I am  wrong about that somebody on the list will correct me.


Thanks in advance !!!!

Best Regards
Pradeep Kumar