Using "--update" option on existing repodata folder (from ISO) seems to work (with an error in anaconda shell i.e., rpmdb bad file descriptor). I run the following command from within <ISO>/Packages folder:

 createrepo --update -g /root/comp.xml -o /<ISO>/ .

<ISO> contains the repodata folder from DVD with old repo files.

The system installs fine (all openstack rpms are installed). Still I would appreciate suggestions on doing it properly.

On 20 July 2015 at 11:36, sad man <> wrote:
Hi, I am trying to add RDO packages to CentOS ISO for my GSoC project but the installer fails at "starting package installation". I would be grateful if someone can identify the error in my method.

My steps (I copy contents from CentOS minimal DVD to folder "ISO"):
1. Copy all RPMs (+ dependencies) from CentOS mirror into "Packages" folder of minimal CentOS ISO.
​2. Edit "comps.xml"​ from repodata folder on ISO and add my custom group "Cloud" with all the packages (there are 671 packages for Cloud, whose names I get from filelist.xml from cloud's repodata folder). I also add this group to category "minimal install".
3. Create new repo:
createrepo -g /root/comps.xml    -o <ISO>/     /<ISO>/Packages/

This creates a repodata folder in <ISO>.

4. Create new ISO using geniso.

​I am attaching my comps.xml file.
​Error: The installer gets stuck at package installation and then gives an error:
"error populating transaction after 10 retries, failure erlang-sd.rpm from anaconda,    no more mirrors to try​"

​PS: I gather RPMs and dependencies following Tom Buskey's guidelines.​


Asadullah Hussain


Asadullah Hussain