On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Alan Pevec <apevec@redhat.com> wrote:On May 3, 2017 05:54, "Numan Siddique" <nusiddiq@redhat.com> wrote:Hello Everyone,I wanted to know what is the plan for moving OpenvSwitch packages to version 2.7.In order to deploy OVN in tripleo, we need OVS 2.7- for deploying all the ovn services successfully- for having the floating ip/gateway functionality to workIs it possible to consider moving to OVS 2.7 sooner ?Ideally, OVS for all CentOS SIGs would be maintained within NFV SIG and other SIGs would reuse it. For 2.6 I rebuilt it first from Fedora then snapshots which included critical fixes. Now I see VirtSIG has built 2.7 on their own but not sure what is the source:Can you test this build and report back if it is good to cross-tag it for RDO Pike?Thanks. Sure, I will test and report back.