On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Alan Pevec <apevec@redhat.com> wrote:

On May 3, 2017 05:54, "Numan Siddique" <nusiddiq@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to know what is the plan for moving OpenvSwitch packages to version 2.7.

In order to deploy OVN in tripleo, we need OVS 2.7 
  - for deploying all the ovn services successfully
  - for having the floating ip/gateway functionality to work

Is it possible to consider moving to OVS 2.7 sooner ?

Ideally, OVS for all CentOS SIGs would be maintained within NFV SIG and other SIGs would reuse it. For 2.6 I rebuilt it first from Fedora then snapshots which included critical fixes. Now I see VirtSIG has built 2.7 on their own but not sure what is the source:

Can you test this build and report back if it is good to cross-tag it for RDO Pike?

Thanks. Sure, I will test and report back.

