On 11/01/2016 05:17 PM, Taisto Qvist wrote:
Hi folks,

I've run into a wall with making openstack domain auth working, and I dont know where to get help, so I am trying here. I've created a question on:


..but no-one seems to be able to help.

Since I wrote that, I've gotten as far as creating a working cloud-wide admin(the policy trigger for cloud_admin matching against domain_id, didnt seem to work for the default domain...?), and that user is now working fine as super-mega-admin.
Can you post what your cloud_admin rule looks like?

But my old admin user, that has admin rights only in the default domain, admin project, cant list users, or projects, in the default domain.

admin_and_matching_domain_id:  But his domain must not be matching:  If he has a domain scoped token for another domain, it will not be valid for the default.

And sureley he should be able to, with the rules:

    "admin_and_matching_domain_id": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:%(domain_id)s",
    "identity:list_users": "rule:cloud_admin or rule:admin_and_matching_domain_id",   

I've tried to find comprehensive and up2date references on how to read the policy.json syntax, but no success so I am unsure on how to interpret the rule exactly though.
I tried changing to:

    "admin_and_matching_domain_id": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:%(target.domain_id)s",

Have you been using the CLI to test your changes? It might greatly simplify things.  I'd also recommend using pdb and actually stepping through the code executed:  you can learn a lot this way.

after looking at the rule for:

    "identity:get_project": "rule:cloud_admin or rule:admin_and_matching_target_project_domain_id or project_id:%(target.project.id)s",

Again, in this rule, you have explicit matching.  The token either needs to match the domain ID or the project ID.

But it didnt help. During the failure, I can see keystone logging:

2016-11-01 22:16:24.521 4824 INFO keystone.common.wsgi [req-46e3301f-f234-434b-a013-5aa2297b6119 admin_User                       admin_Prj                        - default default] GET

(where admin_Prj/User is the UUID's regexped)

What is wrong? Where can I learn how to do this???

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