Sounds like issues in the environment,

The PF (Physical function (external port)) connected to some switch, if so as Trunk?


From: [] On Behalf Of Joe Talerico
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 16:26
To: Pedro Sousa
Subject: Re: [Rdo-list] SR-IOV on openstack: no valid host is found




On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 6:54 AM, Pedro Sousa <> wrote:



Some update on this, although I can launch the VM and see the VF inside it, I have 2 problems


1º Sometimes I don't get ip from dhcp when I launch a new instance.


Does the VF have the right VLAN tag?



2º I cannot ping the other hosts inside the tenant network using sr-iov nics. If I use ovs nics it works. 



Are VLANs setup properly?




Anyone has experienced this issues?



Pedro Sousa




On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Pedro Sousa <> wrote:



Anyone interested, I got it working using this procedure:




I'm using RDO/Juno Centos 7.1


My conf:


Controller/Network Node:




type_drivers = vlan

tenant_network_types = vlan

mechanism_drivers =openvswitch,sriovnicswitch



network_vlan_ranges =int-vlan:1440:1449



enable_security_group = True

firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver





supported_pci_vendor_devs = 14e4:16af

agent_required = True



physical_device_mappings = int-vlan:p2p1






scheduler_available_filters = nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters

scheduler_available_filters = nova.scheduler.filters.pci_passthrough_filter.PciPassthroughFilter




ExecStart=/usr/bin/neutron-server --config-file /usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_sriov.ini --log-file /var/log/neutron/server.log






Compute Node:


I had to install ml2 plugin and sr-iov agent. Note, in the compute node using rdo packstack the ml2 plugin is not installed by default.


# yum install openstack-neutron-ml2 openstack-neutron-sriov-nic-agent





# Controls if neutron security group is enabled or not.

# It should be false when you use nova security group.

# enable_security_group = True

enable_security_group = True

firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver




firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver



physical_device_mappings = int-vlan:p2p1




ExecStart=/usr/bin/neutron-sriov-nic-agent --config-file /usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_sriov.ini --log-file /var/log/neutron/sriov-nic-agent.log




Pedro Sousa






On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Joe Talerico <> wrote:

On Monday, August 17, 2015, שחם פרידנברג <> wrote:

Hey all,


I deployed openstack on DELL PowerEdge R620 installed with Centos 7.


SR-IOV is enabled in BIOS (both Virtualization Technology & SR-IOV).


Also, I added the needed kernel parameters and created virtual functions on 82599 Intel 10G NIC.


in nova.conf:


1. pci_passthrough_whitelist={"devname":"p2p1","physical_network":"sriovnet"}

2. scheduler_default_filters=RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,




Where did you supply the whitelist?


Also, after making the whitelist change did you check the nova-compute.log? It typically reports the PCI devices that can be used for instances. 





in ml2_conf.ini:


1. type_drivers = vxlan,vlan

2. mechanism_drivers =openvswitch,sriovnicswitch

3. network_vlan_ranges = sriovnet:80:90

in ml2_conf_sriov.ini:


1. supported_pci_vendor_devs = 8086:10ed

2. agent_required = False

in neutron-server.service:


1. ExecStart=/usr/bin/neutron-server --config-file /usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf --config-dir /usr/share/neutron/server 

  --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini 

  --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_sriov.ini --config-dir /etc/neutron/conf.d/neutron-server 

  --log-file /var/log/neutron/server.log


created Network based on physical network I defined (sriovnet), configured subnet and created direct type port.


When I creating an image (nova boot --flavor m1.large --image my_img --nic port-id=087ff574-fb14-47fd-82cb-454f176154ff test_sriov)   


I get the following error:


Traceback (most recent call last):


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/", line 142, in inner

    return func(*args, **kwargs)


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/scheduler/", line 86, in select_destinations



  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/scheduler/", line 80, in select_destinations

    raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=reason)


NoValidHost: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.


2015-08-18 04:28:22.886 17998 WARNING nova.scheduler.utils [req-5804960b-4614-4d0e-9a3d-a94964cf93f8 caf2b9813205455896e60c6d00c92b4d 4bd6b22041ef4123958a0f85c775b770 - - -] [instance: 470e16f9-002f-4ae4-82f4-17a83a93d860] Setting instance to ERROR state.


Any idea what might be the problem here?





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