Hi All,

     I have deployed the Openstack using Packstack

     And I have adjusted the network configuration as follow:

     IFCFG for external interface on Controller (network node): http://pastebin.com/10MRZiM9

     IFCFG for external bridge on Controller (network node): http://pastebin.com/RsXb7wXH

     IFCFG for internal interface on Controller (network node): http://pastebin.com/jRKRSnc7

     IFCFG for internal bridge on Controller (network node): http://pastebin.com/sdNnsi85

     Output of ovs-vsctl show: http://pastebin.com/agy1FxDx


      And I have configured public network in project1 and set it as external (using admin to assign it as external).

      I have create router1 and assign this network as GWY, and the other as private.

      I tried to allocate floating IP but I failed.

      I have checked and I found and I found the GWY port is in the router is down as well.

      Here is the O/P of neutron: http://pastebin.com/RN49jmkk

      Can someone tell me what is wrong please?



