I do realize that Core RDO deployment tool is TripleO ( TripleO QS ) been pushed and stable on bare metal.

However, numbers in report bellow:- 38% packstack deployments vs 20% TripleO deployments

fairly prove that just for Newton && Ocata releases makes sense to have storage.pp role

for packstack.  TripleO is exciting , but maintain prod environment via update of heat stack

"overcloud"  targeting for instance :-

1. Adding one more compute node

2. Replacing Controller node in PCS Cluster

would scare too much admins.

Regression in packstack been done ahead of right time might have negative drawback and it would.



From: rdo-list-bounces@redhat.com <rdo-list-bounces@redhat.com> on behalf of Rich Bowen <rbowen@redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 8:57 PM
To: rdo-list@redhat.com
Subject: [rdo-list] RDO Survey Results
Thank you all for participating in our first "How are you using RDO?"
survey. I've written up the results here:

Over the last few weeks, we've been conducting a survey of RDO users, to get an idea of who is using RDO, how, and for what. While the sample size here is small, it's a start at understanding the makeup...

Meanwhile, the longer form questions ("How do you participate in the
community?" and "What's missing from RDO?") are going to take a little
longer to summarize and write up.


Rich Bowen - rbowen@redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison
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