I'll be at FOSDEM ( https://fosdem.org/2014/) in a few weeks, and wondered if any of you folks will be there. It would be cool to meet some of you and maybe grab a few of the famed Belgian beers with you.

Also, in the days right after FOSDEM, there's going to be an event in Ghent - a short train ride away - called Infrastructure.Next

From the blog post ( http://community.redhat.com/blog/2013/12/announcing-infrastructure-next/): Infrastructure.Next is the event for people interested in the evolving tools and projects for managing large-scale IT infrastructure. From storage to configuration management to virtualization infrastructure, all the way to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

So if you're interested in the "Virtualization and Iaas" track at FOSDEM, you may also be interested in sticking around for a few more days for Infrastructure.Next. And, just as importantly, if you want to speak at Infrastructure.next, please get in touch either with me, or with jzb@redhat.com

Rich Bowen - rbowen@redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison