Two KVMs have been created , each one having 2 virtual NICs (eth0,eth1) for
Controller && Compute Nodes setup. Before running `packstack --answer-file=twoNode-answer.txt` SELINUX set to permissive on both nodes.
Both eth1's assigned IPs from GRE Libvirts subnet before installation and set
to promiscuous mode (, ). Packstack bind to
public IP - eth0 , Compute Node

Answer file been used by packstack here 

Not sure my answer file is 100% correct, however it successful completion doesn't create file ml2_plugin.ini,/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini on Controller && Compute Nodes which are required by Neutron ML2 plugin && OVS agent. This files have been manually created under /etc/neutron afterwards and allowed to configure neutron OVS agent on both nodes.

Files missing after packstack run were created following