..but no-one seems to be able to help.
Since I wrote that, I've gotten as far as creating a working cloud-wide admin(the policy trigger for cloud_admin matching against domain_id, didnt seem to work for the default domain...?), and that user is now working fine as super-mega-admin.
But my old admin user, that has admin rights only in the default domain, admin project, cant list users, or projects, in the default domain.
And sureley he should be able to, with the rules:
"admin_and_matching_domain_id": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:%(domain_id)s",
"identity:list_users": "rule:cloud_admin or rule:admin_and_matching_domain_id",
I've tried to find comprehensive and up2date references on how to read the policy.json syntax, but no success so I am unsure on how to interpret the rule exactly though.