On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Javier Pena <javier.pena@redhat.com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----

> Hi,

> I am a new list member, and I was trying to follow up with the thread that
> John started concerning the keypair-add command failing.

> I, too, receive the same failure message:

> [root@myhostname ~(keystone_admin)]# nova keypair-add --pub_key cloud.key.pub
> cloudkey
> ERROR (BadRequest): Keypair data is invalid: failed to generate fingerprint
> (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-ac7961b3-b05e-40f8-a908-d8de7d4c36f1)

> I did see that installed the system using the packstack --allinone command,
> but I had forgotten to set the hostname. I have now done that, but I am
> unable to find any other place that might be causing the problem.

> I believe I have followed the entire thread on the rdo-list, and I am not
> seeing a resolution. Does anyone know if or how the problem was solved?

Hi Barbara,

I have just tried to reproduce this issue, with no success. Since we did not manage to find the root cause before, let's step back and try to follow the same steps:

- Which OS and RDO version did you use? (in my case, CentOS 7 with all updates and RDO Liberty)
- Which command did you use to generate the SSH key? (in my case, ssh-keygen -t rsa)

If the SSH key you generated is a test one, could you upload the contents of cloud.key.pub somewhere, e.g. http://fpaste.org? All we could find was that Nova did not like the public key, but we couldn't find out why.


> Thank you very much for your time,
> Barbara

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I sure will try to recreate this.  I was following the instructions on the RDO website as best as I could. 

I am installing on CentOS7 with all of the updates. 

yum install -y openstack-packstack
packstack --allinone --os-neutron-install=y --provision-demo=n

(Note: the instructions say to use "packstack --allinone --os-quantum-install=y --provision-demo=n --provision-all-in-one-ovs-bridge=n"). 
I couldn't get that whole command to work in several different tries. 

After that, I have gone through basic commands to add two networks and two subnets as well as add a secgroup.  I just needed to get a keypair to boot and later login to an virtual instance.  

When I was reading the previous mailing list entries, one person suggested that localhost was the problem.  On this installation attempt (done this a bunch of times now), I did forget to set the hostname.  I have set the hostname now, and I have rebooted several times.  

Here are the commands that I have tried to make the keypairs: 

nova keypair-add key5 > /root/key5.pem

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f cloud.key -N ''
nova keypair-add --pub_key cloud.key.pub cloudkey

and, I just tried again to get the output: 

[root@slacker2 nova(keystone_admin)]#  ssh-keygen -t rsa -f test2.key -N ''
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in test2.key.
Your public key has been saved in test2.key.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
6b:f4:36:18:bc:d2:47:f2:d8:7b:10:39:eb:04:d6:3f root@slacker2.net
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|                 |
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|          ..     |
[root@slacker2 nova(keystone_admin)]# nova keypair-add --pub_key test2.key.pub test2
ERROR (BadRequest): Keypair data is invalid: failed to generate fingerprint (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-219ec220-a894-4d39-90ce-fd3e1ff59c84)

 Here is the link: http://ur1.ca/oi4qq

I hope this gives you some information!  
Thank you !!
