Trying to find how I should be connecting to Horizon as installed in a Quickstart installation.

My connection would look like this:

MyLaptop -> vpn -> large-remote-host

on the large-remote-host I have the undercloud (directly accessible from large-remote-host) along with controller0 and novacompute0 (forwarded to large-remote-host through undercloud).

How should I be connecting to Horizon, since I have so many layers/redirects in between.  For that matter, is there a way to determine if Horizon is working at all ("openstack service list" doesn't show horizon as a service).

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack service list
| ID                               | Name             | Type                    |
| 1aa733bdce734d4780b5b5e4ae95b3ae | zaqar-websocket  | messaging-websocket     |
| 40706a02e7cc48ffbe96463899ffc233 | keystone         | identity                |
| 42ec6a4be14e4caebfd966fbb7f5887e | neutron          | network                 |
| 4cc628ee478549ada4689f0bc07c2c4c | ironic           | baremetal               |
| 4e8429ec9b67491480f7d61b425a2c0c | heat-cfn         | cloudformation          |
| 7258afcb547d43e0ad4c8d28e91f68a5 | glance           | image                   |
| 798a3c89a2f54ca483c302c363d827b1 | zaqar            | messaging               |
| 93161b7459a746f6a9ed96aa4fd896bc | mistral          | workflowv2              |
| a2b11439cec94045a1c98834809d8cdf | ironic-inspector | baremetal-introspection |
| e14d7534fb7d404bb34796dcb8e6ec33 | swift            | object-store            |
| e388a17a1e424c35acb067c5e2065682 | nova             | compute                 |
| ec8d9da35b724d50a4f309141d30f331 | heat             | orchestration           |
| f5f02530289b487c90d6c7ef6c1fd73a | placement        | placement               |

I suspect the quickstart script didn't configure everything (run as bash --playbook quickstart-extras.yml --bootstrap --no-clone -t all -S overcloud-validate -R master