This makes me wonder...

Would it be a good idea to do a "virtual" RDO meetup with real presenters and everything ?

I'd love to hear about how people are contributing, using or deploying RDO.

Maybe once per quarter ?

Physical meetups are very local and this means a lot of folks probably never even get the chance to participate in an OpenStack meetup, let alone hear about RDO.

They'd be recorded by default and available on YouTube ? It would be a great resource IMO.

David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO

dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]

On Nov 22, 2017 8:32 AM, "Rich Bowen" <> wrote:
Long ago, we used to do monthly (or even more frequent) hangouts covering a variety of topics around RDO and OpenStack in general. This feel by the wayside at some point.

I'd like to start doing those again, following the same model as the interviews from the PTG last month - if you haven't seen them yet.

I'll be reaching out to the various project PTLs, but wanted to start with this list here to get started.

If you would like to talk about your work in OpenStack Upstream - 30 minutes or less - please let me know, and I'll begin to draw up a schedule. I'd like to start with one every two weeks, and as we'll be recording them they can happen any time of day that's convenient for you - ie, not necessarily live events that people will "attend".


Rich Bowen: Community Architect
@rbowen // @RDOCommunity // @CentOSProject
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