Due to several factors (for one thing, the dates we chose happened
to coincide with Rosh Hashanah, a national holiday in the nation
where many of our QA engineers live) we've decided to push the RDO
Juno M3 test day to the following week, October 1st & 2nd.
As before, the gathering place for this testing will be the #RDO irc
channel on Freenode.
Information about the test day may be found at
https://openstack.redhat.com/RDO_test_day_Juno_milestone_3 and the
test cases are being collected at
We should have Juno packages available soon (Watch this list for
announcements!), if you want to start testing on your own before
then, but there are still some issues to be worked out, so you may
choose to wait, depending on your patience and/or ability to work
around problems on your own.
Rich Bowen - rbowen@redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison