Hi everyone,When I add a new compute node to the openstack which I deployed some months ago, I meet a problem about the package version incompatible. Detail thing is below:1. I prepare a clean centos 7 system and add the ip address to the packstack answer file.2. Run packstack3. Everything looks fine and I get the successful hint at last.4. But I find the nova-compute service can't start on new compute node with below log:nova compute service fail to start due to "Connection to the hypervisor is broken on host"
5. I checked the libvirt on compute node, find it has upgrade to the latest version but the old openstack use the old version. And a lot of packages on compute node have the newer version than the old openstack.So I want to know how do you add a new compute node to the old openstack avoid this package version incompatible issue? BTW, I use the default yum repo, so should I maintain a internal static repo for expand the openstack?-BRAndy
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