Some extra info,

I bundle compute+networking into one hostgroup, again worked fine in havana and icehouse-2

The interesting thing to note, Neutron on the compute node seems to show up fine. I see the l3-agent, dhcp, ovs etc. under the system info tab.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Andrew Lau <> wrote:

I tried to deploy RDO icehouse-3 using foreman on CentOS 6.5, previously I had success with Havana and icehouse-2

Everything went smoothly, and quite a few of the issues I had with icehouse-2 were gone!

The only non-puppet task I had to do was on the controller:

cat <<EOF > /etc/mysql/conf.d/innodb.cnf 
default-storage-engine = innodb

service mysqld restart

mysql -e 'drop database neutron; create database neutron;'

However, I've hit a blocker with nova compute not showing up into the controller. The only thing useful I can find in the nova-compute logs,

Timed out waiting for nova-conductor. Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?

Both nova-compute (on the compute) and nova-conductor (on the controller) said "AMQP connected" after a service restart, so I'm not sure what's gone wrong here.

