[Rdo-newsletter] RDO Community Newsletter, September 2016

Rich Bowen rbowen at redhat.com
Thu Sep 8 12:06:34 UTC 2016

If you have trouble with the formatting, this newsletter may also be
found at http://rdoproject.org//newsletter/2016-september

  September 2016 RDO Community Newsletter

    Quick links:

  * Quick Start <http://rdoproject.org/quickstart>
  * Mailing Lists <https://www.rdoproject.org/community/mailing-lists/>
  * RDO release packages <https://trunk.rdoproject.org/>
  * Review.RDOProject.org <http://review.rdoproject.org/>
  * RDO blog <http://rdoproject.org/blog>
  * Q&A <http://ask.openstack.org/>
  * Open Tickets <http://tm3.org/rdobugs>
  * Twitter <http://twitter.com/rdocommunity>
  * Newton release schedule

Thanks for being part of the RDO community!

    Newton milestone 3 test day

Please join us on Thursday and Friday of this week to test the RDO
packages of the Newton milestone 3 release. Milestone 3 released
upstream last week, and we've been packaging and running CI on that
since then. We think Newton is going to be the best release of OpenStack
yet, and we need your help to ensure that this is the case.

We'll be gathering on the #rdo channel on the Freenode IRC network, as
well as posting our findings to the rdo-list mailing list.

For more information about this test day, see the test day web page

And we're just a few weeks out from the scheduled Newton release
<https://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html>, on the week of
October 3rd.

    OpenStack Summit coming soon

OpenStack Summit is just a few weeks away - October 25-29 in Barcelona,
Spain - and we would love to see you there. We'll be in the expo hall,
in booth D1, on the right, just inside the main entrance.

If there's something interesting that you've done with RDO that you'd
like to demo at our pod, or if you just want to help answer RDO
questions, please let me know - we'd love to have you as part of our
demo schedule.

We also expect to have a community meetup at the Summit, as we usually
do. Details are still being worked out. We'll notify the rdo-list
mailing list as soon we we have a time and place confirmed.

You can register for the summit at openstack.org/summit

    Upcoming events

In addition to OpenStack Summit, RDO will have a presence at a number of
other upcoming events. Each week, upcoming meetups are posted to
rdo-list, and also to the RDO events calendar

In particular, you will want to mark your calendar for the following events:


    The Red Hat OpenStack Platform
    September 8th in Pittsburgh.


    MAD for OpenStack
    <http://www.meetup.com/MAD-for-OpenStack/events/233790123/>, Madrid.
    September 14th.


    PyCon India <https://in.pycon.org/2016/>, September 24th and 25th in
    New Delhi.


    LinuxDays Prague <https://www.linuxdays.cz/2016/>, October 8th and 9th.

    Contributing to the documentation

With the Newton release just around the corner, it's a good time to
refresh the website and the documentation. If you'd like to help with
this effort, here's what you need to get started.

Clone the Git repository
at https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website and follow the
instructions in the README to get a local version of the website running.

Look through the site, and identify documents that are outdated,
incorrect, or anything that you feel is missing. You can either correct
these yourself, and send pull requests, or open tickets

Where we particularly need help is identifying documents that need to be
written. To this end, we need the help of beginners, to go through the
website, and see what information you need, which isn't readily available.

    Community meeting

Ever Wednesday at 15:00 UTC, we have the weekly RDO community meeting on
the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. And at 15:00 UTC Thursdays, we have
the CentOS Cloud SIG Meeting on #centos-devel.

The agendas, and minutes, from these meetings, may be found in
the rdo-list mail archives
<https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/> each week. The meeting
typically covers everything from project status, to upcoming event
participation, to discussion of technical decisions. Major decisions are
always taken back to the mailing list for consideration by the wider

    Keep in touch

There's lots of ways to stay in in touch with what's going on in the RDO
community. The best ways are …


  * RDO <http://rdoproject.org/>
  * Project Status <http://dashboards.rdoproject.org/>
  * OpenStack Q&A <http://ask.openstack.org/>

      Mailing Lists:

  * rdo-list mailing list <http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list>
  * This newsletter <http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-newsletter>


  * IRC - #rdo on Freenode.irc.net
  * Puppet module development - #rdo-puppet

      Social Media

  * Follow us on Twitter <http://twitter.com/rdocommunity>
  * Google+ <http://tm3.org/rdogplus>
  * Facebook <http://facebook.com/rdocommunity>

Thanks again for being part of the RDO community!

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
RDO Community Liaison

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