heat_template_version: 2013-08-22 description: > HOT template to deploy two servers (database and WordPress web server) into an existing neutron tenant network and create a load balancer. The load balancer will be assigned a floating IP addresses and balance traffic to the available web servers. Depending on the CPU utilization, the number of web servers online will be scaled up or donw. parameter_groups: label: configuration_data description: These items pertain the the configuration of the instances. parameters: key_name: type: string description: Name of keypair to assign to servers image: type: string description: Name of image to use for servers default: cirros constraints: - allowed_values: [ cirros ] description: Image ID must be either rhel6.5-x86_64 or rhel7-x86_64 flavor: type: string description: Flavor to use for servers default: m1.tiny constraints: - allowed_values: [scale, m1.tiny , m1.small] label: database_parameters description: These values are used to configure the database parameters: db_name: type: string description: WordPress database name default: wordpress constraints: - length: { min: 1, max: 64 } description: db_name must be between 1 and 64 characters - allowed_pattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' description: > db_name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters db_username: type: string description: The WordPress database admin account username default: admin hidden: true constraints: - length: { min: 1, max: 16 } description: db_username must be between 1 and 64 characters - allowed_pattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' description: > db_username must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters db_password: type: string description: The WordPress database admin account password default: admin hidden: true constraints: - length: { min: 1, max: 41 } description: db_username must be between 1 and 64 characters - allowed_pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' description: db_password must contain only alphanumeric characters db_root_password: type: string description: Root password for MySQL default: admin hidden: true constraints: - length: { min: 1, max: 41 } description: db_username must be between 1 and 64 characters - allowed_pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' description: db_password must contain only alphanumeric characters label: network_parameters description: These values are used to configure the load balancer and the instances. parameters: public_net_id: type: string description: ID of public network for which floating IP addresses will be allocated default: 86098f0d-2b9a-4ae6-91ea-d2e2a93f512c private_net_id: type: string description: ID of private network into which servers get deployed default: 8af8618c-8ae4-43b2-b58e-9f54b09343e1 private_subnet_id: type: string description: ID of private sub network into which servers get deployed default: 633dbac8-192a-4e69-8275-9562f84c081f resources: wp_dbserver: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: wp_dbserver image: { get_param: image } flavor: { get_param: flavor } key_name: { get_param: key_name } networks: - port: { get_resource: wp_dbserver_port } user_data: str_replace: template: | #!/bin/bash -v lokkit --port=3306:tcp cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo [wordpress] name=WordPress for Enterprise Linux 6 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF yum -y install mysql mysql-server chkconfig mysqld on service mysqld start # Setup MySQL root password and create a user mysqladmin -u root password db_rootpassword cat << EOF | mysql -u root --password=db_rootpassword CREATE DATABASE db_name; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_name.* TO "db_user"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "db_password"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT EOF params: db_rootpassword: { get_param: db_root_password } db_name: { get_param: db_name } db_user: { get_param: db_username } db_password: { get_param: db_password } web_server_group: type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup properties: min_size: 1 max_size: 3 resource: type: lb_server.yaml properties: flavor: {get_param: flavor} image: {get_param: image} key_name: {get_param: key_name} pool_id: {get_resource: pool} metadata: {"metering.stack": {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}} user_data: str_replace: template: | #!/bin/bash -v #lokkit --service=http cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo [wordpress] name=WordPress for Enterprise Linux 6 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF #yum -y install httpd wordpress #setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1 #chkconfig httpd on #service httpd start #sed -i "/Deny from All/d" /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf #sed -i "s/Require local/Require all granted/" /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf #sed -i s/database_name_here/db_name/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php #sed -i s/username_here/db_user/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php #sed -i s/password_here/db_password/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php #sed -i s/localhost/db_address/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php #service httpd restart params: db_name: { get_param: db_name } db_user: { get_param: db_username } db_password: { get_param: db_password } db_address: { get_attr: [ wp_dbserver, first_address ] } wp_dbserver_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network_id: { get_param: private_net_id } fixed_ips: - subnet_id: { get_param: private_subnet_id } web_server_scaleup_policy: type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy properties: adjustment_type: change_in_capacity auto_scaling_group_id: {get_resource: web_server_group} cooldown: 60 scaling_adjustment: 1 web_server_scaledown_policy: type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy properties: adjustment_type: change_in_capacity auto_scaling_group_id: {get_resource: web_server_group} cooldown: 60 scaling_adjustment: -1 cpu_alarm_high: type: OS::Ceilometer::Alarm properties: description: Scale-up if the average CPU > 50% for 1 minute meter_name: cpu_util statistic: avg period: 60 evaluation_periods: 1 threshold: 50 alarm_actions: - {get_attr: [web_server_scaleup_policy, alarm_url]} matching_metadata: {'metadata.user_metadata.stack': {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}} comparison_operator: gt cpu_alarm_low: type: OS::Ceilometer::Alarm properties: description: Scale-down if the average CPU < 15% for 10 minutes meter_name: cpu_util statistic: avg period: 600 evaluation_periods: 1 threshold: 15 alarm_actions: - {get_attr: [web_server_scaledown_policy, alarm_url]} matching_metadata: {'metadata.user_metadata.stack': {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}} comparison_operator: lt lb_vip_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network_id: { get_param: private_net_id } fixed_ips: - subnet_id: { get_param: private_subnet_id } lb_vip_floating_ip: type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP properties: floating_network_id: { get_param: public_net_id } port_id: { get_resource: lb_vip_port } lb_pool_vip: type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation properties: floatingip_id: { get_resource: lb_vip_floating_ip } port_id: { 'Fn::Select': ['port_id', {get_attr: [pool, vip]}]} monitor: type: OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor properties: type: TCP delay: 3 max_retries: 5 timeout: 5 pool: type: OS::Neutron::Pool properties: protocol: HTTP monitors: [{get_resource: monitor}] subnet_id: {get_param: private_subnet_id} lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN vip: protocol_port: 80 ## session_persistence: ## type: SOURCE_IP lb: type: OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer properties: protocol_port: 80 pool_id: {get_resource: pool} outputs: WebsiteURL: description: URL for WordPress wiki value: str_replace: template: http://host/wordpress params: host: { get_attr: [lb_vip_floating_ip, floating_ip_address] }