[Rdo-list] Middleman -- v4 migration

Marc Dequènes (Duck) duck at redhat.com
Mon Apr 11 07:25:44 UTC 2016


On 04/08/2016 03:29 AM, Marc Dequènes (Duck) wrote:

> Btw, where does 'noconsole.js.coffee' comes from? It does not seem to be
> a real library. It's just some kind of snippet and no origin
> information. Should it be moved to lib/?

This is the remaining JS in vendor/.

As for CSS…

I just realized normalize.css is commented out, so should be reactivate
it or remove it? I already made the patch to keep it externally, so
keeping it is ok, if needed.

As 'solarized-light.sass', for does it come from
http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized ?

As for 'lepture-editor.css.sass', it seems our own settings for this
editor, as it is really different from the CSS provided in this project.


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